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More and more people are searching for a brighter, whiter smile. Teeth whitening involves bleaching the outer layer of the teeth in order to lighten the existing colour and to achieve this sought-after brighter smile. Whilst the most successful teeth whitening treatments can only be done by a dental professional, this proves to be a very costly and time-consuming procedure. A more cost-effective alternative is to explore affordable home teeth whitening products. These products have been created to be safe to use without the involvement of a dental professional and generally fall into two categories. These include:


-Gels that contain levels of bleach much lower than those used by professionals

-Products (Mainly toothpaste) that contain mild abrasive agents to remove stains from the surface of the enamel

In this category, you will find whitening products which are ideal for individuals wishing to achieve modest improvements to the shade of their teeth, staining or perhaps those seeking to sustain or top up on a professional treatment.

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