Brushing is the most important element of our daily oral care. Studies have shown that most people spend no more than 1 minute brushing their teeth daily - this is considerably less than the 2-3 minutes recommended and encouraged by dentists and hygienists.
Dr. Rolf Barman, a specialised dentist and inventor, also born in a family of dentists, was a pioneer in preventive measures for teeth, successfully helping to introduce fluoride rinsing and teeth brushing techniques in schools in Norway. Through 40 years of dental experience, Dr. Barman has been passionately concerned about the development of practical aids for improving dental health, leading to the creation of his brand – Dr. Barman’s.
He believed that an effective way to guide the brushing habits of people is through a monumental change in dental products. By improving dental products, such as the toothbrush, and simplifying the methods used, more people would be able to perform oral self-care effectively in a way that suits them. Through the innovation of the Super Brush toothbrush, Dr. Barman challenged the conventional toothbrush with a concept which aimed to achieve an enhanced oral hygiene routine within a shorter period.
Why triple-headed toothbrush is more effective?
The Dr. Barman Super Brush toothbrush is a triple-headed toothbrush, crafted carefully to benefit individuals who struggle to perform daily oral care. The brush is offered in a range of sizes, precisely engineering it to fit perfectly in the hand and mouth, making it truly adaptable to every age group. The patented triple-headed is designed to enable users to simultaneously clean all three surfaces of the tooth with a simple backward and forward brushing motion, allowing for more efficient use of normal brushing time. The brush aligns with the row of teeth and guides itself along to ensure equally well cleaning is achieved across the mouth, making it ideal for patients with limited dexterity. This differs from the conventional toothbrush which must constantly be manoeuvred, resulting in ineffective cleaning of all surfaces.
Angled bristles for optimal cleaning
Moreover, the angled bristles of the Super Brush have been thoughtfully arranged to respond to the anatomy of the tooth, with longer and softer bristles on the outer and firmer bristles towards the centre of the brush, providing optimum enamel cleaning. This unusual arrangement contributes to more direct contact with the tooth surface which is clinically proven to lead to 27% more plaque removal than a normal toothbrush. The capabilities of the Dr. Barman’s Super Brush do not end here as the brush also offers careful attention to keeping the gums safe and healthy, making it a truly unique product.
How it keeps the gum line healthy?
The gumline is prone to harmful plaque build-up which may cause cavities or gum disease if left uncleaned. For many years it has been highly recommended to place the toothbrush at a 45° angle towards the gum line to prevent this build-up. By using the conventional toothbrush, this position may be difficult to achieve and control daily, often leading to missed spots or in some cases sore, bleeding gums. This is avoidable by simply using the Dr. Barman Super Brush.
Massaging the gums
The precisely 45° angled brush and variable bristle lengths mean that it is softest where it meets the gums, helping to reduce bleeding. The softer side filaments are specifically constructed to massage the gums while their angled nature provides gentle but precise cleaning along the gum line, making the Super Brush ideal to keep both the teeth and gumline clean and healthy.
Extremely simple to use
Additionally, the Dr. Barman’s Super Brush is extremely simple to use, making the art of brushing easy to master by those who are unable or reluctant to brush their teeth effectively, especially young children. This, alongside its sophisticated design and function, successfully makes the Super Brush an essential companion in ensuring the development of healthy brushing habits from a young age, potentially leading to a lifelong awareness of good oral health in adulthood.
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